The Community Heartbeat Trust is a national charity focused on provision of life saving defibrillation services to local communities. It has as its aims the following:

(I)  Providing a cost effective AED Community Access Defibrillation (CPAD) service to local community groups;

(II) The advancement of education and training in aspects of ‘First Person on Scene’, ‘Emergency First Aid’, ‘Basic Life Support’ and ‘Advanced Life Support’, and similar medical programmes.

(III) Support for the establishment of Community Responder Schemes (or similar schemes offering similar services) in local communities.

The charity is run to help local groups by offering advice and support, and to meet these aims on a local basis.

Registered charity number 1132824 

For further information on taking part in the Community HeartBeat Trust support for cPAD schemes, please contact the Community HeartBeat Trust via the contact us page or by e-mailing, or via our partners websites.

We always work in co-operation with the local ambulance service. All schemes supported by the CHT will be registered with the local ambulance trust or service.

The CHT is not responsible for the running of your local cPAD scheme (defib cabinets), and is an independent organisation from all local groups. Your cPAD scheme should be done in conjunction with your local ambulance service.

The ‘People-Heart’ logo and CHT logo are trademarks of the Community HeartBeat Trust

Always dial 999 first in any emergency! PAD schemes do not replace the ambulance service, but help save lives once an ambulance has been called.